Thursday, 9 October 2014

Mobile Pos – a logical trend

Mobile Pos – a logical trend

Studies over the past 12 months indicate the mPOS (Mobile Point of Sales) installs is poised for exponential growth across businesses. The past three years have seen businesses gradually recognize the benefits and inevitability on the role of mobile platforms and technology to their POS (Point of Sales) solutions. 

Today’s mobile systems (hardware and software) are built with the ability and requirement of integrating all aspects of internal operations as well as possible third party applications. In simple terms the mobile device supports and works on full POS functionality.

 HP-Elitepad Emperium Epos Mobile Pos

A study by the IHL Group on the mPOS market in North America forecasts:
·         A growth of 110% in mobile installs.
·         A large number of businesses are likely to replace traditional electronic tills and Point of Sales devices with Mobile terminals.
·         By 2018 mPOS shipments will have grown by 325% indicating a more general acceptance and maturity of the Mobile model.
·         Currently 60% of mobile installs are in speciality stores and hospitality establishments.
·         Speciality stores will see a 25% reduction in implementation of new POS terminals in lieu of mobile devices.

A study from Europe published by in May this year points towards a similar development here. A quarter of small businesses in Europe are looking at implementing mPOS within the next six months.

Research by Yankee Group from December 2013 found that 51% of merchants who began trading within the last three years are looking at implementing mPos to their business within the next twelve months.

34% of smaller retailers (with less than 20 employees) and 30% of retailers with 20-99 employees already had implemented mPOS but equally significantly 19% of the smaller retailers and 30% of the 20-99 employee group were considering implementing mPOS within 12 months.
This indicates a general irreversible trend in the POS industry that will be mobile centric.
The Mobile POS in trading environment is shaped by business requirements and the increased performance capability and systems compatibility of mobile terminals.

From a commercial and operational point of view, there is an increase in adaptability of mPOS solutions due to:
·         It is easy to set up and implement
·         Enhanced customer experience as mobile device can provide stock availability, price and other information real time across the shop floor.
·         Frees up space used by large terminals and registers.
·         Can function on a fixed location or on the move.
·         Integrates with other devices and applications; from printer, cash drawers and other hardware peripherals a mobile terminal can seamlessly integrate. Similarly all POS features including third party applications are integrable.
·         Full POS functionality on the move.
·         Costs have come down to much manageable levels which are at times cheaper than traditional electronic tills and POS.
·         Transaction and payments on the move.
·         Real time information and data retrieval and integration.
·         Cloud based Mobile solutions providing more options

In view of the above, the case for implementing mPOS in a business is pretty strong and all indications are that the trend is irreversible. What do you think? What are the pitfalls and shortcomings? Should retailers blindly follow trends or wait and watch to do what they feel is appropriate.

(Part 2 will cover the HP – Elitepad Mobile Pos with Emperium Epos).


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